Just proves how ignorant most people are. We are all descendants of immigrants. Our country needs more immigrants, because of the aging of our population. We need more workers to maintain our economy and security. Most bigots do not understand these fine points.
https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/why-the-united-states-needs-more-immigrants It's very simple math: The baby boomers are now becoming seniors, and their generation produced less children. If we have 1,000 seniors, and only 100 workers, who is going to support all the seniors? The tax base will be too low to continue paying out social security and paying for Medicare. How about our national defense? Trump's tax cuts already increased our national debt. You can't pay more in social security, Medicare, increase national defense spending, then reduce income to our government. A child understands, no money means no candy.