I believe trying to give credit for the economy to one president is a mistake. All the economies of the world are tied together is many respects. The feds play with interest rates and the circulation of currency. Not many presidents or economists understand the issues of what makes an economy tick. There is no way to forecast future economic activity. At least, that's what I learned in college. Many financial pundits have been threatening a recession for the past four or five years, if not longer. There is no tool to measure future economic activity, because everything is in flux. Even past GDP numbers are revised, and that's after the fact. The stock markets works as much on fear as future economic prospects.
https://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-neither-trump-nor-clinton-can-save-the-economy-2016-06-20http://blog.artifexfinancial.com/recession-fears. "Let’s think for a moment about what determines economic growth. In the short run, the economy is constrained by how much money people, businesses and government agencies are willing to spend (known as effective demand) and by the existing stock of things such as factories, offices, stores, roads, computers, workers, human capital, financial capital, institutions, markets, resources, and technology (known as the supply-side of the economy).
The president doesn’t control any of these variables."