Interests=(I), Sports=(S), Books=(B), Have Traveled=HT, Wish to Travel=WT, Work=(W) or Retired=(R), and Anything Else=(AE).
(I) - Books, movies, parties, music, shopping, clothes, friends...and some which I am too decent to mention here
(S) - Cricket, football, tennis, pool and snooker and some which I am too decent to mention here
(HT) - Too long a list, 36 countries
(WT) - Too long a list, but Australia and US deserve a mention (can u imagine I have never been the the US ???)
(W) - Work as a corporate banker - atleast it puts a roof on my head and food on my table
(AE) - Love chatting, love making new friends, love being with people but love my solitude as well and some things which I am too decent to mention here