Who would have realized to what extent it was so bad there - I was told before how beautiful the resorts are and so forth - now granted Papi lived there and his dad and sister still do (why he was there) - he probably isn't hanging at the expensive resorts but with his family.
He said he didn't have a body guard to protect him - he relied on his fans. I doubt he will do that any more. Now granted he has many fans there and they beat the heck out of the one guy.
But yeah to risk killing another person, having you sent to jail for the rest of your life for a $1k? Even if they are very poor and money goes further - after dividing it among the 8+ people involved it comes to about $1 a person. So even if this 1k is 10x the buying power - that is like 10k - is that worth potentially giving up your life in jail and killing someone? Knowing killing this person who is so loved in your country.