C.I. was hanging out "IN" the subway vent.
That's the reason he is who he is today!
Right c.?
the sexiest woman is the aussie chick who works behind the jump in the Red Lion pub downtown. Mind you she is as thick as 2 short
planks and couldn't pulll a pint to save her life
oak, Is that downtown London? If it is, you'll have to introduce me to that pub.

no CI -- it's downtown in the town just to the north of downtown london where i live... that is i don't llive directly iiiiiiiiiiiiin london but in a small town just to the north. 30 mins away by train, or about 4 weeks if you walk
I've got a seven day London Travel Card. Will that help?
Ah C I === all the 7s eh. will it help ? no. if you think of the zones as being planets, then #7 zone would be Uranus and we are in #8 zone which is non existant, sorta like Neptune
I'm from Mars, so I guess it won't help.

C I ======== MARS eh , , hmmm Mars Bar, that's a tasty creamy oblong chocolate bar available in all retail outlets throughout the UK, priced at about 25 pence or the king size version 40 pence. Designed with dentists and miserable dieticians future job creation policy in mind...
oak, Didn't you know? Chocolate is good for us. c.i.
Love the stuff C I, ------- morning noon and night
Hey, at least I'm not all over the map like Husker. I'm sticking to Cameron Diaz, again, so long as she's not allowed to dress herself.