Quote:How is what you are doing any different than the Republicans whining about how "fascist" Obama was?
At some point we are going to have to work with these "deplorable" Republicans to heal the country. If you consider nearly half of your fellow Americans to be monsters, it makes it rather hard for you to get anything constructive done.
You are attempting to redirect and distract from what I was responding to.
You do know that my post to you was a direct response to your post to the OP?
Just in case you forgot what you posted to the OP, here is a reminder:
maxdancona wrote to eurocelticyankee:
Who exactly are you expecting to answer this silly thread? You seem to be inventing a fictional "Republican"....
The person you are describing doesn't exist. No one who is "keen" on war with Iran, who supports shooting unarmed immigrants and doesn't care about the environment exists outside of your rather narrow imagination.
I don't think there is anyone who matches this description. It certainly doesn't describe any Republican I know.
Real Music wrote to maxdancona:
1. That person does exist.
2. That person's name is Donald Trump.
3. There are also others who exist.
4. Those people are Republicans serving in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House.
5. Republicans at large, in both the U.S. House and U.S. Senate definitely matches this description.
6. Also, there is nothing fictional about the fact that the Republican party at large, continues to look the other way and give Trump a pass for all of those things.
7. There is nothing fictional about the fact that the Republican party at large, are enablers and guilty accomplices of all of those things.
8. I am not certain if every single item on that the OP's list is entirely accurate.
9. So, I'm not going to try to cherry pick one or two things that might not be entirely accurate.
10. But, for the most part, the OP's list appear to be accurate.