@cicerone imposter,
Really, now you go to Snopes. The site that said Trump lied about African American unemployment being the lowest in history because ... READ THIS SLOWLY ... he did not say it was already low. Get that? He lied about it being the lowest in history when it was the THE LOWEST IN HISTORY because
he did not say it was already low before it became THE LOWEST IN HISTORY. You are the epitome of stupid dude. TDS is real. Worried THERE HAS BEEN 4 INVESTIGATIONS THAT FOUND NOTHING, ZERO, NADA. How about just tired of the bullshit from the left. After 4 investigations WITH NOTHING you think he is worried. They fabricated evidence and still failed. Lets talk basis for FISA warrants. I asked earlier and you just ignored it. You go read the article from 2007 that they used as a basis for the FISA warrants in 2016? CMON MAN. I am not a psychologist and I have not met you but I am diagnosing you with TDS, Cognitive Dissonance and mental retardation. Here is my link to support