Fri 13 May, 2005 07:23 pm
Hi everyone! I have to write a paper on one of the symols in 1984 and I need some help. I started writing the paper on the glass paperweight but I really don't like the paper I wrote. OK I know in the book 1984 there are tons of symbols but I need a really good one to write my paper on. What are some symbols that would make a really good paper? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think the main symbol in 1984 is freedom. Orwell makes a world where people have lost their capacity to have their own purposes and wishes.
A world where people don´t have initiative any more because they get used to living under a poweful state (Big Brother).
Only a love story can break all of that retaking again the human feelings that they thought to have lost forever.
Freedom was always the main subject at Orwell´s work.
What's the book about, Shay?
I can only point out the obvious, that the paperweight, a non-functional decorative item, symbolizes Winston's attempt to connect to the world as it was before the Party.
hello, im new to this web sight and not sure what im doing. i was looking for research for the book 1984 and i found this websight. and i was just wondering what the party was
hello everyone im kinda new to this sight and dont really know what im doing. this sight is helppin but one thing i would like to know is what is the party
@big bob,
Brandon is referring to the ruling oligarchy. Did you read the book, Bob?