Tue 10 May, 2005 01:14 pm
Hello all;
Where can I find guidlines, tips, procedures on how to write a book review? Any websites/books/forums about that? Or perhaps (most preferrably) if any of you guys are experienced with book reviews, you could give me a few starting steps!
A book review for a class assignment or for publication?
Google "writing a book review" and see if any of those websites pertain to the kind of class you are taking.
In general, you want to show that you've read the book, understand what it is about and how it fits into the greater scheme of things.
Often you have a wide leeway in what you can discuss - usually based on what interests you. However, your instructor may have more specific instructions.
Some of the things to consider:
Set the book into the greater literary framework.
How does the book fits in with the rest of the writer's works... is it the only fiction? Is it part of series? Does the author specialize in this type of work. Was the author influenced by other writers... and how. The book came out of a specific place and time.... how did that affect the writing?
Then you want to show that you have a thorough knowledge of this specific work. Explore the characters and how they interact. Pick one and explain why you find that one appealing, how that chracter changes during the course of the work, whether or not that character can be tied in to any of the "greater literary scheme" that you'd explored in the first segment.
You may determine that a city, a river, or some other non-human is a character. That always makes for an interesting discussion. Be sure to identify what you think is the theme of the book. Why did the author write it? Why would future readers want to read it.
Be sure that you have these things thought out so that your review is a coherent essay with an introduction and a conclusion as well as supporting paragraphs for your points.
Good Luck.
a very useful guide...thank you for the tips ill make sure to use them
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