Sun 8 May, 2005 09:22 am
Normally I am a creature of habit and detest changes in my home environment but I allowed myself to be seduced off of Roadrunner and onto bellsouth.
What a mistake!!! Don't ever do it. No comparison.
Really? Well, let's see...cable blows, and now you're telling me that DSL blows...hmmm...
That makes me think that all this talk of America being the land of freedom and choice is really bullshit, because, yes we have a lot of choices, but every single one of them suck...
Suffice it to say that I agree... If I had to go into detail, innocent people would die.
kickycan wrote:Really? Well, let's see...cable blows, and now you're telling me that DSL blows...hmmm...
That makes me think that all this talk of America being the land of freedom and choice is really bullshit, because, yes we have a lot of choices, but every single one of them suck...
I never had a lot of trouble with cable...the occasional outage but it was lightning fast all the time. Bellsouth downloads like old people screw....
Pacific Bell DSL sucks as well. I switched to Roadrunner
quite a while back and haven't had a problem since....
Cable is the way to go!
I have dial up. You wanna trade?
Montana wrote:I have dial up. You wanna trade?
Thanks for putting things in perspective, Montana.
I'm thinking of getting Roadrunner. Have you had problems, Kicky?
I though DSL would solve my dial up problems, but it only eased them somewhat. I am very unhappy.
our cable speed keeps going down we used to be at 1,000 kbs it's now between 200-375 kbs and supposed to be around 4,000 according to the comcast emails.
sozobe wrote:I'm thinking of getting Roadrunner. Have you had problems, Kicky?
Actually, no I haven't. I just said all that in the hopes of getting one of those right-wing nuts to get all riled up and start fighting with me about nothing. Didn't work. Oh well.
Yes, when it comes to the internet, cable does seem to be pretty damn reliable.
It's the cable TV that blows.
Our DSL sucks. I thought that if you were in the coverage area, you were in the coverage area, end of story, but in fact it makes quite a bit of difference how far you are from the (not sure of terminology, where the signal originates.) I've had Earthlink DSL in three places. In the first, it was flawless. In the second, it was OK, occasional problems. In the third (here) it was totally sucky.
Turned out that we are technically within the coverage area, but at the very outer edge. If the kbps is too high, it's just too erratic. If it's quite low, it's reliable but slow. We have it somewhere in the middle for now, good enough but still annoying. We were told that due to our location, cable is a much better option for us.
Roadrunner looks good so far, seeing if anyone has had problems.
Oh, that's good to know, kicky (just saw), thanks.
I have Southwestern Bell DSL here, and it works great. Even works when our regular phones are down.
Last time I heard, SWBell was the only one of the Baby Bells that's doing well. Their stock price is soaring compared to the others. (Which is good, since I own some.)
Maybe you guys should move to Tulsa...?
I have bellsouth extreme DSL. I pull 3.0 Gbps and have only had 2 problems in 5 years...A bad phone that caused trouble and a bad board at the C.O. They have busted their humps on both issues. They will soon be at 8 Gbps when TimeWarner (Roadrunner) just announced that they would peak at 5Gbps next year.
Try having Bellsouth put an external DSL filter in. This will allow you to totally bypass your inside wiring by having one dedicated jack for your DSL modem. This also eliminatests the need for filters on all other lines.
Also try to get a business card from a repair guy that seems to really know his stuff (ask if he's been to DSL school). They are generally more than happy for you to call them directly when a problem occurs as long as you act nice.
Also, I'll use the water hose scenario. Cable connections are like a hose...if the hose feeds many other hoses the pressure decreases. i.e. bandwidth decreases proportional to the usage on that particular link of the system.
DSL is a dedicated service. It's like having a long cable connecting your modem directlyto the router/switch at the central office (C.O.). Usage of others matters not.
Bellsouth DSL Sucks.......
Well, I don't have any problem with Bellsouth DSL. Cable is good too.
The problem with cable is that you share your bandwith with everyone in your neighborhood. so the more people that are signed on, the slower your connection gets, as long as you are not near a college campus or something it's ok. Whereas DSL, is directly on your phone line.. You dont have to share.. Are you sure it's not your computer getting bogged down? Most people I know from working AOL tech support, DSL. Had computers outdated, and wondered why it didn't work, Or had so much Garbage on it that it slowed down to a crawl, OR you may have involentarily downloaded SPYWARE.. Which DEFINETLY Slows down your computer! Lot of that out there now days... Supose you have 50 mollion Smileys and screensavers... Haha!!! Anything FREE.. You can bet there is spyware in it.
@PC dr,
no you are wrong, it's not dedicated service, it still shares oc1 or oc3 connections between the dslam and the local switch. If you have a Central office dslam this matters not, but on remote Dslams there can be transmissions problem from the switch to the dslam is usage is beyond the capacities of the oc1 or oc3 connection.