I was riding alone when i was a teen, and at a given stop a group of women got on. they looked like they were in party, and were pretty loud and hyper. they got onto the carriage I was on, and as they walked past, one of them sat on me for kicks and started laughing out loud. it was unexpected, so I was shoved her off and then took the time swear at her. some of them were shocked, whilst others were laughing. i don't get why, since they were ones in the wrong. they just were out to **** with me, and they couldn't handle it since it's how their brains are wired.
i bet somebody would respond with this saying "it was years ago..who cares?!?" lol
no. there are plenty of others here who post about **** that happened to them as kids. are you saying that i am worthy of the same consideration as a kid back then? if not, then why not? who are you to make that call?
i'll await an answer.
Why do you think people are singling you out? An honest question, no need to be defensive.
My theory is either you're so butt ugly that they're using you as fodder or cute as a button, in which case, unwanted attention is just as annoying. I just don't see people even acknowledging your presence if you're just an average joe.
This is the second train incident you've shared. Has this curbed your travel to not use this service? Do men give you just as much unwanted attention as women give you?
actually, no. but then i can see you have selective empathy and then condemning those who do too. and then saying i'm wrong for this, but then admitting you're not perfect.
i know people getting equal stuff in life offends you. so tell me, what makes you superior, and how? is it looks? social station? abilities? talents? finances?
i'm amused that you have this superiority complex, most likely based on being in an institution rooted in national defence and ultimately killing people.
the only logic here is you citing who needs empathy or not.
sitting on people purposely is illegal.
and i know for a fact that you would not say this to anybody else - if they met your standards of looks, mannerisms, and related points.
i just know your mind, that's all.
0 Replies
Tue 7 May, 2019 03:22 pm
i'm amused that you have this superiority complex, most likely based on being in an institution rooted in national defence and ultimately killing people
Its amazing how many acres of conclusions you draw from a square centimeter of evidence.
If you say I sound superior, maybe its because you present such a pile of self loathing. Im sorry, but youre really going to have to find someone who gives a **** about your life's little dramas.
Take care skippy.