To drag this life out, or to die

Reply Thu 28 Mar, 2019 10:48 pm
Hello everyone! This is my first post

I’m here to talk about whether or not I should drag my life on or kill myself. I need the help of others to decide what I should do.

Now, I look at things quite differently than most people. For instance, I do not believe in self-help or self-improvement. I find that they are impossible given the facts of reality. This is because, speaking in terms of evolution, it is a fact that you ARE your genetics, and it is impossible to change things about yourself for that reason. No matter how hard you try, you will always be the exact same person, and trying to change yourself to become more attractive or more skilled at certain things is impossible. I know this runs counterintuitive to what most people think, but you will see what I mean if you start pondering and studying this topic.

I’m a 28 year old virgin. I’ve never had a girlfriend or been on a date in my entire life. These facts provide a wealth of knowledge about my genetics. It shows they are of exceedingly poor quality. This is simply a fact if you know anything about natural/sexual selection and human/animal pair bonding. Men with good genetics simply don’t make it to this age and be virgins without a single date.

It is impossible for me to attract women or get a girlfriend. This is just simply a fact. Women are hardwired by evolution to detect good genetics in men for mating and pair bonding. It doesn’t matter what I do to myself, those genetics will shine through. Women do not choose men of inferior genetic material. It’s actually remarkable to watch if you pay attention. If you’re not of good genetics, and women don’t want you, they will not even acknowledge your humanity or existence. They will treat you like you’re a cardboard stand-up. I’ve seen this in action thousands upon thousands of times throughout my entire life. I’ve even had times where I thought I had dressed well, looked good, and had all the cards in my favor, only to have them walk past me like the cardboard stabd-up they see me as. Women instinctually know what they want. It is hardwired into them. You either have it or you don’t. There is no getting it.

Even if something could be done about it, I don’t want to. That boat set sail ages ago for me. I know nothing about women, and am so far behind the curve at this point that it would be like trying to start college and go onto medical or law school at my age. Every aspect of women and interacting with them is so alien to me that it would not be possible to get started now.

Plus, self-improvement does no one any good. If you think about it, the only thing it could result in is forcing poor genetics into the gene pool that nature was trying to weed out naturally. If you don’t naturally attract women, you are of unworthy genetics. Period! If you have to “self-improve” in order to get women, you’re inferior and need not try. To try would be to subvert the work of nature. It didn’t make a mistake when it made you unattractive. You made a mistake when you thought your happiness and feelings were worth more than the natural order.

I personally veer on the side of suicide because I think it’s just the right thing to do. I don’t really enjoy life anyway, and it seems this one is a dud. I’m just trying to figure if this life is worth dragging on or not. I don’t think so.

Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 02:10 am
Good grief. Your nonsense about having inferior genetics is, well, nonsense.

First, don't kill yourself.

Second, see a therapist about fixing your self confidence problems. And yes, you do have self confidence problems.

Third, join a dating site.
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 02:15 am
The 'self' doing the talking here is an indulgent limited construction. Caring about others is a key to finding value or purpose in life.
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 06:01 am
ITellYouHhwut wrote:

I’m a 28 year old virgin. I’ve never had a girlfriend or been on a date in my entire life. These facts provide a wealth of knowledge about my genetics. It shows they are of exceedingly poor quality. This is simply a fact if you know anything about natural/sexual selection and human/animal pair bonding. Men with good genetics simply don’t make it to this age and be virgins without a single date.

It is impossible for me to attract women or get a girlfriend. This is just simply a fact. Women are hardwired by evolution to detect good genetics in men for mating and pair bonding. It doesn’t matter what I do to myself, those genetics will shine through. Women do not choose men of inferior genetic material. It’s actually remarkable to watch if you pay attention. If you’re not of good genetics, and women don’t want you, they will not even acknowledge your humanity or existence. They will treat you like you’re a cardboard stand-up. I’ve seen this in action thousands upon thousands of times throughout my entire life. I’ve even had times where I thought I had dressed well, looked good, and had all the cards in my favor, only to have them walk past me like the cardboard stabd-up they see me as. Women instinctually know what they want. It is hardwired into them. You either have it or you don’t. There is no getting it.


You're fishing in the wrong ponds. When you dangle out bait for lobsters you can't blame tuna for not biting.

I agree with oralloy. You have no confidence and little self esteem. I am not a doctor and I can see that. So can the women you may or may not be trying to approach (and I suspect that you do very little approaching and then wonder why doing nearly nothing doesn't work).

Get thee to a therapist.
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 06:05 am
You have a duty to live and contribute to your own well-being and the greater well-being of life in the universe. God/nature doesn't put beings on Earth to self-destruct. If your genes were so inferior as to prohibit reproduction, then your parents and their parents, etc. would never have reproduced. All life forms reproduce, and all life has purpose.

The challenge is figuring out your purpose. If your main concern is with women and dating, that's a small thing. If you work and make money, you will attract some woman or women. They may not be good women to attract, but if they are lazy, greedy, or otherwise desperate for money or anything else you have and they think they can manipulate it out of you by showing interest and affection in you, they will do that and you will experience it as real love-interest because that is something you are too desperate for.

If you can get beyond this silly, superficial self-pity over dating and attractiveness, then you can start thinking about the bigger picture of what kind of higher purpose(s) you should be achieving with your God-given life. Try to do some good and not just self-serve or cause problems, such as by killing yourself. You have a life, intellect, soul, and other gifts/capacities to honor, so start figuring out how to honor them.

Once you start to realize and achieve your real potential, you will attract women who are interested in a serious, good man instead of just a source of money or other material benefits. If you want to find a life-partner of good value, you have to hone yourself as one worthy of such a partner. It's not about looks or genes. Your body is just the base material from which you hone real value. The finest metal can be botched by a poor metallurgist and bad metal can be honed into a sharp blade by a skilled craftsman. Take what you have and hone it the best you can and don't worry about whatever poor quality you perceive in the genetic material you have to work with. Surely there are people with worse genes than you who have achieved better.
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 09:03 am
I appreciate all the replies. However, I disagree with all of you.

I believe that we have effectively subverted the work of nature selection by creating modern, technological, egalitarian societies. The inferior are sheltered from the wrath of nature now, and they end up not getting what would have used to had been coming to them by natural selection.

Back in the old days, there was no such thing as weak, stupid, lazy, incompetent, incapable, or undesirable people. That’s because natural selection weeded them out. They either died before they could mate, or their poor genetics ensured that they had no mating success. Back in those days, if you were an inferior individual, you didn’t get a government check, section 8 housing, foodstamps, and a free car. You died. These people are kept alive these days; a total subversion of the natural order. Thus, as a result we have a bunch of lazy, stupid, depressed, good-for-nothing people walking around. Crime, drug problems, homelessness. These problems arise because we somehow think we just HAVE to keep everyone alive and view all lives as special; when in reality life would be much much better if we took off the warning labels, scaled back our aid to people, and allowed nature to weed out the inferior and leave the superior to thrive.

So, I believe unquestionably that if you don’t attract women naturally (or at least semi-naturally with some basic effort) then it is impossible to change that. It just simply is if you look at evolution. You can’t get to my age as a virgin who’s never been on a date and think that there is hope. You’re DREAMING if you think that.
Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 09:26 am
That 'I' which 'believes X' is a dysfunctional temporary chairman of a committee of subservient'selves'.
Man's greatest mistake is to assume he has a permanent 'I'.....Man has no individual i. But there are, instead, hundreds and thousands of separate small "i"s, very often entirely unknown to one another, never coming into contact, or, on the contrary, hostile to each other, mutually exclusive and incompatible. Each minute, each moment, man is saying or thinking, "i". And each time his i is different. just now it was a thought, now it is a desire, now a sensation, now another thought, and so on, endlessly. Man is a plurality. Man's name is legion.

G.I Gurdjieff.....who would tell you to WAKE UP !
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Reply Fri 29 Mar, 2019 07:39 pm
ITellYouHhwut wrote:

I appreciate all the replies. However, I disagree with all of you.

I believe that we have effectively subverted the work of nature selection by creating modern, technological, egalitarian societies. The inferior are sheltered from the wrath of nature now, and they end up not getting what would have used to had been coming to them by natural selection.

Back in the old days, there was no such thing as weak, stupid, lazy, incompetent, incapable, or undesirable people. That’s because natural selection weeded them out. They either died before they could mate, or their poor genetics ensured that they had no mating success. Back in those days, if you were an inferior individual, you didn’t get a government check, section 8 housing, foodstamps, and a free car. You died. These people are kept alive these days; a total subversion of the natural order. Thus, as a result we have a bunch of lazy, stupid, depressed, good-for-nothing people walking around. Crime, drug problems, homelessness. These problems arise because we somehow think we just HAVE to keep everyone alive and view all lives as special; when in reality life would be much much better if we took off the warning labels, scaled back our aid to people, and allowed nature to weed out the inferior and leave the superior to thrive.

So, I believe unquestionably that if you don’t attract women naturally (or at least semi-naturally with some basic effort) then it is impossible to change that. It just simply is if you look at evolution. You can’t get to my age as a virgin who’s never been on a date and think that there is hope. You’re DREAMING if you think that.

You assume that the only two options are success and death. In reality, there is no perfection, so even the most relatively perfect beings are flawed in various ways. What's more, genetic perfection means very little if the genetically perfect being is culturally/morally inadequate. The kinds of moral virtues you describe are not the product of DNA but of good moral choices. If well-bred people make bad moral choices, it hardly matters how good their DNA is.

So the fact that moral/cultural/behavioral discipline is possible but essential to the pursuit of higher quality living and individuals means that you have a duty to not only discipline your own mind and body, but also others. We are our brothers' keepers, to use the biblical term. I would not be communicating this information with a stranger on the internet if I didn't see it as a moral duty as much as if it was a close friend or family member. Moral discipline has nothing to do with how close you are with someone, though, but with how committed you are to making the world a better place. You are ultimately only responsible for yourself and your children, but it is good to communicate with others in hopes of encouraging them to be more responsible for themselves and their own discipline.

Killing yourself or others would be an immense failure of moral discipline. You can't save everyone from themselves but you can give them as much opportunity to choose the right path for themselves. You could let everyone die of even the slightest weakness, but you'd still have the problem of healthy, strong bodies with bad morals, character, etc. So there is really no point in having the dream of a eugenic survival-of-the-fittest society like you describe. It would be far better to have a society where people work constructively to achieve the discipline it takes to make themselves, others, and the rest of the planet as healthy and well-functioning as possible. That is the best we can do, and it is what we should do; you included. Sorry you disagree, but you're wrong.
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Reply Sat 30 Mar, 2019 12:04 pm
@livinglava I’m just trying to make the point that some of us would be dead if not for modern egalitarian society and technology. Instead of dying like we used to, us inferiors are kept alive nowadays, and what happens to us instead is that we just become losers and undesirables kind of drifting around in this world. We wouldn’t have this problem if we allowed the inferior like myself to die. The only reason there is a big problem with depressed, lonely, homeless, drug/alcohol-addicted, suicidal people nowadays is because those people used to die by natural selection, and that took care of the problem, leaving only the strong, bright, ambitious, productive individuals to live on and breed. Trying to encourage the inferior to “improve themselves” so as to lead better lives and attract partners is really a terrible thing, because we don’t need to pass on our poor genetics.

I think if you don’t show at least some signs of being naturally successful, competent, productive, and desirable to women, you need to self-euthanize, because nature is not going to do it for you anymore. These things can’t be learned. They are all based on genetics. If you don’t naturally have it, then that’s that.
Reply Sat 30 Mar, 2019 12:11 pm
ITellYouHhwut wrote:

@livinglava I’m just trying to make the point that some of us would be dead if not for modern egalitarian society and technology. Instead of dying like we used to, us inferiors are kept alive nowadays, and what happens to us instead is that we just become losers and undesirables kind of drifting around in this world. We wouldn’t have this problem if we allowed the inferior like myself to die. The only reason there is a big problem with depressed, lonely, homeless, drug/alcohol-addicted, suicidal people nowadays is because those people used to die by natural selection, and that took care of the problem, leaving only the strong, bright, ambitious, productive individuals to live on and breed. Trying to encourage the inferior to “improve themselves” so as to lead better lives and attract partners is really a terrible thing, because we don’t need to pass on our poor genetics.

I think if you don’t show at least some signs of being naturally successful, competent, productive, and desirable to women, you need to self-euthanize, because nature is not going to do it for you anymore. These things can’t be learned. They are all based on genetics. If you don’t naturally have it, then that’s that.

Nature is not as simple as you imagine with your simplistic social-Darwinian ideas. That in itself may be a sign of you being genetically and/or otherwise inferior, idk.

The reality is that you can take anything and improve it. If you really believe that you and some other humans are so genetically flawed, would you then say that the food and water you consume would be better spent on supporting individuals of some other species?

Granted many humans waste more resources and cause more harm than many animals, but that doesn't mean they're incapable of seeing the light and changing. They are just stubborn, in part because of their intelligence and self-interest. If you can realize that you as a human are capable of contributing more to the greater good than, say, a dog or deer of equal weight; then your relative genetic fitness isn't really an issue. The only issue is whether you can achieve an existence that is worth more than the food, water, and other resources it takes to sustain it.
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