Sun 3 Mar, 2019 05:15 pm
It was a very pleasant time in Oahu, HI, for one week of warming up our bones before returning home to the cooler climes of N CA. Was able to spend time with my sister and her husband and a couple we met before. We had breakfast at a restaurant about half way to the airport. I believe the flt to San Jose is a little over five hours, and arrive home a little after 9pm.
Did they lose your luggage?
Fortunately, no. All our travels to Hawaii have been "trouble free" ever since we started travel to the islands. What makes it possible for us is the simple fact that we have no housing cost while in Oahu, because we stay at our nephew's condo in Honolulu. He's spending two years in Bhutan to train doctors, and learned through my Tour Director of India and Bhutan that he's planning to come home after the 15th of this month.