Mon 31 Dec, 2018 11:39 am
My wife and I are in our mid 40s and we’ve been married for 20 years. My wife and I used to watch lesbian porn together. 3 years ago, she asked me if she could have a fling with a woman. At first, I didn’t know what to think, but after a couple of weeks thinking about it, I told her that it would be okay I guess. It took her awhile to find another woman. After seeing 4 different women, she found a much younger woman, now 28. Since then, my wife has let her move in our house and in my bedroom. She moved all of my belongings to another bedroom. She now only works part-time, like her girlfriend. This has progressed over time into me doing all of the household chores plus working more overtime. My wife usually only lets me touch her if I rub her and her girlfriends’s feet. It’s gotten to where I just do whatever they ask or tell me to do. Sometimes they just leave me a chore note if they are in the bedroom together. I love my wife and so I’m doing what I can because she seems happy. Am I doing too much though? Even though they tell me what to do, they tell me occasionally that they appreciate me.
this seems like trolling. hard to believe any human would lower themselves to your pathetic lifestyle. slavery is no way to live. dump your mistresses and start a meaningful relationship with a normal person.
@bunnyhabit ,
i know it seems strange but I have been enjoying this role most of the time.
I actually have been enjoying this. Maybe it’s because it’s different idk. I’ve never done this before.
So, is there a problem or question somewhere? Or did you just want to share intimate details about your marriage?
I was just trying to get other’s opinions on whether I’m doing too much or not. Am I making the right decision for my wife and/or me?
Unfortunately, noone can answer those questions for you. Your marriage is for you and your wife to either make it work, or not and to get out of it. It does sound you're happy with the situation and want to continue it. If there's things you'd like to change, then have an open and honest discussion with your wife. You two control the marriage, no one else.
Thank you. I should talk with my wife to see if there’s anything that I need to change. She has already told me that she’d like for me to start estrogen therapy. She thinks that it will make things best for all 3 of us living under the same roof.
Curiousheather wrote:
I was just trying to get other’s opinions on whether I’m doing too much or not. Am I making the right decision for my wife and/or me?
You don't make any decisions - your wife and girlfriend do! If you're okay with this arrangement where you financially support both women and do the dishes and laundry as well, then go on and continue.
I would say you are a terrible fool for doing so, but if you're happy being made a fool of, then that's your choice.
I may be a fool but I don’t feel like I am. It feels rewarding doing what I can for both of them. They’re happy and like me doing for them.
Curiousheather wrote:...They’re happy and like me doing for them.
Of course they like it. They get to be lazy bums and order you around.
But hey, if it floats your boat, then so be it. But even if it does, assert yourself at least a little bit, man! You're allowed to say you're tired, need a day off, etc.
Dom/sub relationships are loving ones. You're just a doormat.
I’ve never done this before yet I like it. Maybe it’s because it’s still seems somewhat new and possibly I may grow tired of some of it. I’ve mostly decided to take my wife’s advice of beginning estrogen therapy. She kept insisting so I told her that I would so she ordered it for me. She says that I’ll be even happier so I’ll never grow tired of doing for them like I should to keep her happy. She said that she didn’t think she would’ve kept her younger girlfriend this long without me being committed to all of the household chores plus working enough to cover any of their wants and needs. She says that this arrangement has really been great and wants it to continue to get even better.
You know, somewhere your story doesn't add up.
Your wife wants you to take estrogen pills and she ordered them for you? That's virtually impossible as estrogen is a prescription drug - unless you buy vitamins that have natural estrogen in it, but they won't do much for you. Back to the prescription drug: you yourself would need to seek out treatment and every physician will ask you the reason why you want to take it. If you're transitioning to become a woman, you have to undergo a physical and other treatments.
As I said, things don't add up and I also think you're a hoax.
She ordered them from a foreign country.
I agree. This whole story sounds like a load of **** to me.
All I’m asking is for some advice. This isn’t made up. I know that I’m being taken full advantage of and I allow it. I know that my wife has been selfish and probably doesn’t really love me. I just feel like I have an attachment to her that I can’t let go of. It’s like I would rather her abuse me than not be around her.
Whatever else you do or don't do, do not begin any kind of hormone treatment without at least one medical consultation.
There's a difference between submissive and plain old stupid.
What type of physician should I seek? My wife might not want me to but I guess I can see if she’ll agree.