Here's a picture of a supporter outside the courthouse at Michael Jackson's trial.
Now, this is not some teenybopper who is just confused and stupid, like most teens are, following her idol. This is a grown woman, standing outside the courthouse at the trial of a person who she doesn't even know, a person who probably has no idea she even exists, with a sign that she probably spent hours thinking about, deciding how to lay it out, and creating with her own hands.
This boggles my mind. How do people get to this point?
I am
fascinated by this phenomenon, this celebrity worship. It sickens me that there are actually grown human beings out there who get so emotionally attached to a celebrity that they go to these idiotic lengths.
I mean, I can see having an opinion, but if you are over the age of...let's see, what's a good age...let's be generous here...if you are over the age of 20 years old, and you find yourself standing outside a courthouse with a sign proclaiming the innocence or guilt of some celebrity, please, I beg you, take your sign, soak it in gasoline, wrap yourself up in it, and light it on fire. We need the space for the real people.
That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for your time.