That is SO GREAT!!
I was just thinking about this one. There was an article in the NYT about "Barbershop", and letting white folks listen in on black culture. People really say that stuff to each other, BUT...
I was thinking about how I change my conversational style according to who I'm with. I had this deaf friend with a totally Jewish name, looked totally Jewish, had Jewish mannerisms, etc. He was born deaf, parents were hearing. They never learned ASL, and he basically had no relationship with them.
So, we were hanging out, and he said, "geez, you complain a lot, don't you?" I was like, huh? He then pointed out a bunch of things I was "complaining" about. Thing was, I was kvetching -- like, humorously (hopefully) commenting on various irritations. Think Seinfeld. That's what I DO when I'm with Jewish friends. (Well, among other things.
) I check myself when I'm with non-Jewish friends, but this guy was a conundrum since he SEEMED so Jewish but actually was not part of the Jewish culture, since he had so little social/ cultural interaction with his family.
Make any sense?