Holy sh!t. Black Crowes are opening? What time do they go on sale?
I'm going to get some tickets, and I have to email some buddies on this.
Speaking of concerts, I'm going to see Tori Amos at the Orpheium. Bringing a guy friend. We're going to stick out like a couple sore thumbs in the crowd of butch women. One of my buddies asked me if I wanted to borrow his Subaru Forrester to drive there. Hey, orchestra seating above the stage. (although I don't have the tickets, have to coordinate with someone from craigslist).
Cool!!! I'm excited about this!
Slappy wants to see tom petty and the black crows....? I wouldn't have guessed it.
Kicky, the place in Mansfield is the best place to go to a show around here during the summer, at least for the party atmosphere. HUGE parking lot, so the tailgaiting is fun, and half the seats are covered by a half-shell, rest is open above. The grass area is tiny now, it's mostly seats, but it's a good time.
By the way: Mansfield borders Foxboro, where the world champion football team resides.
littlek wrote:Slappy wants to see tom petty and the black crows....? I wouldn't have guessed it.
Why not? Good tuneage, right there.
It's been a long time since I went to a show there.... the traffic is unbearable off the highway. Is there an alt route?
This is going to be so cool. I love summer concerts!!! Yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
Well, hell, I think the tuneage is great.
So is that Scarecrow-lookin' freak singer (what the hell is his name again?) back with the Black Crowes then?
Littlek, the traffic sucks, but you just have to deal with it. If you get there late, you get to be one of the first to leave, but you gotta get there early to get your soda sipping on. It's a rule.
So littlek, are you going to help me tape little booze-filled tabasco sauce bottles to my crotch?
I dunno kicky.... there were 2 brothers who had a falling out and are reconciled now.
Slappy, I guess so. I'll remember to bring some brewkies. Or better yet, some wine. What are the rules about alcohol in the parking lot?
hahahahaha, I forgot about that one!
hey,if y'all guys are going, i wanna go! i'm still here on 18th june. i'm teaching a summer course (3 hours every day), but who the hell cares. count me in.
why, what does the tabasco do?
Really!?!?! Cool! Should I buy a few tix, then, tomorrow? How many?
Dag, the tabasco does nothing. It's just that the bottles are just about the right size to fit in the crotch without bringing unwanted attention to the area.
They won't be super strict on the booze during a show like this, which will be a bit of an "older" crowd. Basically as long as you keep it in a cup, and don't expose bottles/cans, you'll be all set. They pretty much only take it away from the boneheads who sit there drinking right from the can, or if you look very young. I was walking around during Buffett couple summers ago, and I got carded, then allowed to keep walking with my beer(in a Solo cup).