Fri 25 Mar, 2005 01:44 pm
Dear all,
This may sound like a ridiculous request, but could anyone please advise me on how I would find a manufacturer in China that would be willing to make my own personally designed garden gnome? I have the design and measurement specifications and I am looking to place my first order for about 2000 - 3000 items.
Any advice in finding a manufacturer / supplier and importing to the UK would be very much appreciated!
Thank you for your time and help in advance,
Mr Wizard
Why don't you just make your own ?
Get a generic gnome. Make a rubber mold from it. Use the mold to make a plaster cast copy of the original. Modify the plaster cast copy with whatever tools you want or have to hand in whatever way you want. You can use modeling clay, Milliput or even plasicine to make your changes.
Then make another rubber mold from your modified gnome and then use that to make a plaster cast of your modified gnome.
Paint it and bung it on the lawn for all the world to admire.
Plenty of factories in the UK would love to help you out. Why not support your own economy first? I know I'm not being helpful, this thread just struck a nerve.
Thank you very much for your reply. I will take your advice on board which should save costs in shipping, it will also benefit the UK's economy as I will now be buying resources for the UK (which will please Mr. Rover Road judging by his comments below).
Thanks once again for your help, and good website by the way...
I ever heard a story about gnome from one of our English teachers in China that her grandfather and her met gnome who told them how to educate plants in garden when she just was a little girl. But it never appear again after her grandfather dead and uncle neglected to care the garden. It's really mysterious thing! I'm interested in your design and maybe you can upload its picture here!