Another new venture: I had been using Opera as a browser off and on for about 8 months at a local library. I really enjoyed the speed, but there were certain website that were not accepting all the routing, and all html versions are not necessarily accepted with Opera.
However! The new version, free Opera 6.5, has fixed and improved almost everything! It is usefull because as it advertises - "the fastest browser on earth". Even faster than Mozilla.
I was surprised to hear comments about this forum being very fast - posts were accepted quickly, but moving around in the forum was going slowly for me. THEN, this morning I opened up the Net with Opera, in lieu my usual IE and lo and behold - it's incredibly fast here now!!!!
I also took the free email account with opera to check it out. It's very simple without lots of bells and whistles - but, fast can be a top priority! I am considering taking up on the Premium Upgrade special in email - 25 MG for $15 for one year, other pluses.
The download took me about 10 minutes tops, through - to check this out, go to Opera