Wed 23 Feb, 2005 04:58 pm
Has anyone read the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin? It is absolutely my favorite fantasy series by far, I just can't wait until A Feast for Crows comes out. I've read Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, a few Sword of Truth books and the Shannara series but i think George's writing and brutal
storylines create a much more feasible world.
Welcome, Wicked.
I'm half way through A Clash of Kings. So far so good - I still like fantasy though I've been reading it for years...
I bought the first three books thinking it was a trilogy -- I hate having to wait for the rest of the story! The Sword of Truth (or was it Wheel of Time?) made me nuts! I gave up on book eight or something...enough! Finish the story already...
Have you tried any Orson Scott Card?
Yes, I've read Enders Game and Shadow, both of them were awesome. I'm hoping to finish the series when i have some more time. I'm not sure which comes next after those two?
Clash of Kings is great but the third book, A Storm of Swords is even better so keep reading :wink:. It is frustrating having to wait years for next section of the story to unravel, G.R.R.M. has said that its going to be a 6 book epic story, so we're only halfway there!
I agree that Wheel of Time is unnecessarily long...I think i read to book 10 then just couldn't read anymore of it because it wasn't going anywhere. I think the series still has two more books left and Robert Jordan started the series 15 years ago. I'll wait for him to finish before i pick them up again.
Mmmm i'm yet to borrow
A song off phil but he tells me its great...
I used to love Wheel of Time - but by book 9 it's dragging and i haven't read Crossroads of Twilight because all three of my friends who are fantasy-fans said it just wasn't worth it so i never bothered
Other great fantasy authors: Raymond E Feist and Sara Douglass
You managed to avoid three books ((Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide and Children of the Mind) in the middle of the Ender saga and skip right to the next one worth reading, in my opinion! I couldn't recommend any of those, except to the most die hard OSC fan. However, after Ender's Shadow comes Shadow of the Hegemon and Shadow Puppets, both of which are reminisent of the earliest work, and well worth the hour and a half (ok, kidding) it takes to read them in shear entertainment. None could capture the surprise I got at the end of Ender's Game, but I like these characters.
I was unable to recall the names of all these books without checking the web for a listing, and, voila -- I found there is a new book soon to be published (March, I think it said) titled Shadow of the Mind.
I think I like these books partly because they stand alone. I was interested in Bean's perspective...and his "story," and really, I found the other two that followed, just as compelling.
I'll continue on with a Storm of Swords and no doubt any others that get published. Six, huh? Bring it on!
Hey Bekaboo, borrow these books and settle in for a long juicy read.
I think the last book in Shadow's Saga is Shadow of the Giant. Also with bean. I think the best ones are Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow. Then, it starts to drag. I also liked "Speaker for the Dead" and "Xenocide" and the last one in Ender's saga, but they are not so entertaining as the Game.
Have somebody read the Chronicles of Amber? R Zelazny. I started and now I cannot stop. It has ten books and I hope it really finishes after the last one. They are not too big (I think the whole chronicles has 1200 pages). What is your opinion about this book? Can I find a better Fantasy? Or this is just average?
If I would start to read a Fantasy series, I would go for one that has an end. I am not interested in Well of Time, that continues forever. So... any advices?
(btw, read the Tolkien LotR, Hobbit and Silmarillion, really good ones, I loved them)
Joeblow - just as soon as i finish reading the other 3 books i have off Phil at the moment i'll raid his library!!