I was randomly reading today when one line in the book i was reading reminded me of a previous book - and it's driving me crazy not knowing what is is!!
I can't remember much about it i just remember this one bit where the main characters are in a city fighting the evil guy - referred to as the stone king. He turned everything in the city to stone, and was being pursued by his son - who was some kind of killer mole, tearing up the city and trying to get to him. I think it was referred to as the Maw...
Anyway i must have read it in the last couple of years and it's blatantly not Pratchett so it's probably Robert Jordan, Raymond E Feist, Terry Brooks or something similar...
I already asked Phil (my friend, the resident sci-fi expert
) and he hasn't got a clue, which kinda rules out Jordan and probably Feist...
Does anybody know what i could be?
I think at the end the Maw finally kills the Stone King...
All suggestions welcome!!