Mon 23 Apr, 2018 05:09 pm
If you have read the book "The Giver", you may be able to help me with this...
When Jonas learned of Gabe’s impending release, he abandoned the plan to take Gabe with him as they ran away that very night. The Jonas we met at the beginning of the book would never have done that. Explain.
Please help, I can't figure it out!!!
As you likely noticed, Jonas changes over time as he begins training to become the new memory keeper. He is no longer part of the society where all are the same. He gains feelings, emotions, individuality. These changes give him the ability and desire to rebel and do things which are against the standards of the community in which he lives. Knowing that baby Gabriel will be sent to Elsewhere and released and having learned that the truth is he will be killed, Jonas believes there is no other option but to take him outside the world in which they are confined and help the baby live and grow into a healthy and complete person.