Mon 14 Feb, 2005 06:10 am
I never cease to be amazed by the creativity of the people at Google. The now have (in Beta) a "Maps" site. You can map a place, or get directions.
What is nicer about this site than others is this feature. When you are on a spot, and want to see something adjacent, you don't have to wait for a new screen. You just click on the appropriate arrow, and there it is!
thats actually pretty impressive, much easier to use than other map sites. Simply drag the map over, rather than click the arrow to move etc. Same works for zoom.
Wish they covered the UK, guess we will just have to wait...
It has added the function of displaying satellite images of the location on the map.
I like it. Very nice, and it includes Canada :-)
It works. I found a heap of pubs on King St, Toronto.
Will help me with my next pub crawl when I'm back there.
They'll probably do one for Australia soon after all there's a lot of nothing out there....should be easy
Way cool - see me wavin' at ya?
Thanks to ImageShack
goodfielder wrote:It works. I found a heap of pubs on King St, Toronto.
Will help me with my next pub crawl when I'm back there.
Don't you even dare try this without us!
<I'm keeping an eye on you>
Someone has to pour me on the streetcar (IF they're not on strike!)
pretty good - I did use the keyhole product for awhile
I can't use it, only have IE and an old imac at home.
Can check it at work tomorrow.
So, Timber, is that you with the big flashlight?
I played with Keyhole a bit last year, I think, or mebbe the year before - not real sure exactly when it was, but its been a while. When the free trial period expired, I just off-loaded it and forgot about it. It was pretty neat for lotsa stuff, but my main area of interest was my immediate locality, and there wasn't much detail available. I notice the sat image of my place has been updated from the one that was there when I was playin' with Keyole - that shot hadda be taken late-summer last year; that's nearly-mature corn at the top, freshly-mown second or third-cut hay to the right, and fallow field at the bottom, across the road. Last year is the first time the cropland's been in that particular configuration for several years.
The light-colored structure just above the center of the image is the horse barn, and you can see the trail The Ponies trod on their way to-and-from the paddock, which is to the center-left in the image. Pretty neat - 'least to me.
Oh, that's niiiiiiiiiiice. I'm going to be using that a lot.
I did the satellite thing and they were a couple of houses off.
Still niiiiiiice.
I've been using this tool for work.
Amazing for a couple of situations where I really needed to see what was going on.
(and the other week I could see that my neighbour's brother was blocking my driveway again)