Tue 10 Apr, 2018 10:24 pm
i am wondering the questions for when the able?know testify befores the congresses. with millions of millions of users, maybe billions on ablestoknow what questions will we ask of the company much larger than the faceingbooks? will the u.s. government be happys with it?
How did this get 196 views in 20 minutes?
EDIT: And how did it get to more than 1000 views just 10 minutes after I posted my first question?
How many trillion views is this thread going to have when I wake up tomorrow?
Good question. It's up to 2,682 at this moment.
I think I figured it out. Somebody linked this thread somewhere on the internet and a whole bunch of people are clicking on the link.
Perhaps I should add a Rick Astley song to the thread for the benefit of all the hapless people who click on it.
Dear Internet,
Go home, you're drunk.
You must be a whiz at marketing.
you are not good at you are you job tho no?
@Abigail May,
Throw me down the stairs my hat 🧢
What is your native language? I can't pick up the accent.
why do my writing be removed? Are the ables 2 know scareds of me?
@Abigail May,
??? should the ables be scared????
all my writing be removed. they are scared of what i say no?
@Abigail May,
Hell, I don't have a clue what you are saying, that's just confusing not frightening. See you later at the hearing, remember, no flip flops or open toed shoes.
@Abigail May,
I looked for you at the hearings, but I don't know what you look like...the Sergeant at Arms called for you repeatedly.....You better get your lawyer to do a little damage control.