@cicerone imposter,
Did you read the entire article?
Yes, Mr.Trump is planning to extend the wall; however, a major amount of wall/fence had already been installed, prior to the August of 2016 article you have attached.
It goes back to the Clinton administration; when, it was supposedly started to keep out Drug traffickers. Of course drug traffickers would not be deterred. No siree! They dug tunnels to get to the U.S.A. from Mexico.
The Clinton presidency wall also aimed at keeping others from crossing over; which was, a part of concern about how NAFTA might cause many Mexicans from entering illegally.
Later, (as the article indicates) in 2006, Senator Hillary Clinton and several other Democrats voted to add to the wall/fence and increase security. It was The Secure Fence Act, bill #6061. Dems voting for the fence act, along with Clinton were, Chuck Schumer (NY) , Ron Wyden (OR), Chris Dodd (CT), Debbie Stabenow (MI), Herb Kohl (WI), Tim Johnson (SD), Tom Harkin (IA), Dianne Feinstein (CA), Barbara Boxer (CA), Joe Biden (DE), Evan Bath (IN), both Byrd and Rockefeller (WV) and Barack Obama (IL), as well as a few others.
So, the groundwork for Mr.Trump was already in place. He is merely taking it to the next level. This is something which even Hillary Clinton had planned on, though, perhaps at a lesser level; yet just as cruel and obscene. (and likely Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden would have too)
In don't like Mr.Trump either and believe him to be a disastrous mistake for this country. That said, I also realize he isn't the only horror in DC at this time. Our only hope is that the midterms will at least begin to restore some semblance of what this nation is supposed to be and where it was and would be if self-serving greed, corruption and prevarications weren't soaking the fabric, skin and bones of the country.