Tue 1 Feb, 2005 02:51 pm
I've heard that newsgroups are the way to go if you are looking to do some file trading (all legal of course......)
Can anyone give me a brief explanation on what I have to do to get set up to access "newsgroups"
Also, if anyone knows any good newsgroups please let me know.....
Sorry for the basic questions.
All you need is a news reader (Outlook will work if you have it) and a News server (aka "NNTP Server"). You can check with your ISP and see if they provide NNTP services (They all used to but it's become much less fashionable with the advent of the WWW) or you can do a Google Search on "Newsserver" and find a bunch. Most will charge a small monthly fee for access if it's not through your own ISP.
Outlook's help file tells you how to congifure it to read Newsgroups.
There are literally thousands of newsgroups so "the best ones" are an individual matter. Depends on whay you are interested in.