glitterbag wrote:
I hate to deliver blunt unvarnished news, but it seems you are a bit of an asshole. I think you know you are being an asshole and thats probably why you are worried about this girls brother and sister reaction to whatever you really said to this woman.
I'm sorry, I don't think this is true. I reckon that shyguygamer is, in fact, a shy guy gamer, and perhaps is lacking in social skills... The need to make jokes is something I have myself as well, and I will never claim I'm a (socially) astute person. It can be hard to draw the line between jokes that are funny and remarks that are offensive: just look at the material of some stand up comedians.
Furthermore, shyguygamer doesn't mention anything about the women or her brethren in the opening post: this information was only given in response to a suggestion.
I don't get the sense he is a jerk: if he was, why would he post here acknowledging he has a problem? I met a jerk or two in my life so far, and on the whole, they don't seem particularly interested to change the way they behave...