Well, you are engaged in a strange fetish. As far as drinking animals blood, as I said earlier, anybody who eats meat is drinking or actually eating the blood of the cooked animal flesh.
The Maasai of the African nation of Kenya are a nomadic people who lived mostly on the milk of the cattle they raise. They don't eat the meat of a cattle, therefore they don't kill the cattle-- for one it's against the law to kill cattle in Kenya-- but on special occasions, they ritually drink their blood. This, of course, is a form of parasitism since the cattle don't die. But they don't drink the blood for nutrition, it's merely for ritual.
I don't know why you drink human blood since you haven't explained this, but this would also be a form of cannibalistic parasitism. Cannibalism has been practiced in New Guinea-- and elsewhere I suppose-- but it was in a ritualistic setting and not for nutrition. There have been instances-- the Donner party, for example-- where cannibalism was practiced for nutrition, but this was in a dire circumstance. And then there's Jeffrey Dahmer, of Milwaukee infamy,
who engaged in a pathological form of cannibalism.