Wed 26 Jan, 2005 05:10 pm
I want to put an interesting idea here about how everyone procrastinates, and ask some questions about it...aaaah, screw it, I think I'll have a cigarette first and do this later.
ooooh, kicky, but there was a great thread about that in the past. we should dig it out, there were many good suggestions there. let's see, maybe i can find it, even though i have sooooo much work to do.
I always thought procrastination
was your middle name kicky.
So I was right
Nah, I am the King of Procrastinators.
I'd respond, but I'm busy chewing a hangnail off my finger right now while staring off into space.
Maybe I'll respond later.
No time to post now, I'll come back later
I'm busy watching paint dry right now. I'll get back to this thread just as soon as I'm done, as I feel it is a very important topic...
I think, us regular people should be allowed to
spank procrastinators. They drive you insane! <argh>
Im doing something right now.
Im too busy to help.
what is it ??
Its important... gotta go.
Let me get back to you on that.
Hmmm...thinking about responding here...
Okay, I'm supposed to be doing some work right now that's due in five minutes, but I think I'll put that off and respond to this first.
I am terrible with procrastination. Just last weekend I did absolutely nothing all weekend, and ended up having to call in sick monday because I freaked out about not getting stuff done that I needed to do.
The upside is that I get that great payoff of feeling so damn productive once I finally get going and do all the **** that I should have done weeks ago all in one big last-minute flurry. I think that must be one of the big reasons why I keep doing it.
I bet that's what Dr. Phil would say, at least.
You weren't procrastinating last weekend, you were playing scrabble with me!
Thank god I have you to help me put things in their proper perspective.
Kicky, you ain't nutin. when it comes to procrastination, you're talking to the queen. how many times have you mopped the kitchen walls before a deadline? that's right, mop kitchen walls. or scrape and shellaque a table and chairs in a house where i was renting - not my furniture. or or or paint a porch, or color sort clothes on hangers from black to white, and and many more things, some of which i am sure littlek remembers more than she would like to.
Actually, it was fun to watch you do that stuff.
Can I post my answer later?
Dag's right. Weeks?

I got sh!t needed doing last year (oh, that's right, it's January

)... make that the year before that.
This thread is great. I was to start writing about my procrastination and said to myself: "No, instead of writing, do something about it!".
I finally bought the tickets for the Spyro Gyra concert.
Now, if I can find time to go to the notary and fetch my house ownership papers... they've been sitting, waiting for me since 2003.