Sun 28 Jan, 2018 11:49 am
Is a poster is a native and a teacher, can I describe him as a native teacher poster?
Mr. Jones is a native of Britain and a teacher-poster.
tanguatlay wrote:native teacher poster?
sounds like you're describing a poster (piece of paper) for a teacher who teaches natives
Thanks, ehBeth.
I wonder if the word 'poster' is recognised by dictionaries to mean someone who submits threads in forums.
tanguatlay wrote:I wonder if the word 'poster' is recognised by dictionaries to mean someone who submits threads in forums.
It would be recognised thus on here.
centrox wrote:
tanguatlay wrote:I wonder if the word 'poster' is recognised by dictionaries to mean someone who submits threads in forums.
It would be recognised thus on here.
I agree. Thanks, centrox.
absolutely - but not in the phrase you suggested
You could also say "a contributing teacher"
PUNKEY wrote:
You could also say "a contributing teacher"
Thanks, PUNKEY.
Does 'contributing teacher' include the fact that the teacher is a native?
Mr. Jones is a native of Japan and a contributing teacher.