I initially signed on to A2K for the sole purpose of thanking Craven and complimenting him for the brilliant job of explaining something or other. I had wondered in after confirming I'm a genius on one of those test your brainpower sites... that seem to always check to see if you're dumb enough to pay them for the proof.

That was done by PM... and outside of Chess or Backgammon was the first thing I'd done by way of chat.
Next I ran across
a political thread opened by a guy who was Pistoff.

Literally! :wink: So, I jumped in the mosh-pit, spat "Wake up pal", and strarted throwing shoulders, knees and elbows... and as they say, the rest is history!
I've since learned to enjoy lots of stuff other than the pit, like some of the most stimulating discussions I've ever had, met people who's knowledge base and ability to deliver it is nothing short of staggering to me, and I'm now intimately familiar enough with literally hundreds of posters positions that I could probably Identify a fair share of the posts here without name or avatar (perhaps someone should start one of those never-ending games on that.)
I've met no A2Kers in person so I can't say if would be weird. I doubt it, because that's me in my Avatar and I am what I am. I feel tighter connections with some A2Kers and am certain I would (will?) miss them if I leave. I'll probably be next to take an extended leave because I'm bored out of skull in the non-A2K world and have been thinking about making some serious changes.
I frequently regret things I say hereÂ… mostly because they are misunderstoodÂ… but sometimes just because they are stupid, snotty or mean. I apologize if I think it appropriate and move on just like I would anywhere else.
I think that covers the questions and would only add that I'm quite grateful to Craven for providing me the opportunity to meet so many fine people who collectively have taught me so much. I know this isn't new to Abuzzers, but it's been a very unique experience in my life and while I'm ready for a change, I wouldn't want to just forget about all the wonderful people I've met here.