It's my first topic so please don't be for me very hard

I want to buy in China/Taiwan some DVD players/CD players/MP3 players and other electronic stuff but not very expensive. I need something cheap.
I have few questions:
1. Were can i find large data bank about electronic products and manufacturers ?
2. How can I check them ? I don't want to loose my money. Maybe you could recommend someone ?
3. I don't want bo buy much, FOB for me is 100 units
4. Do every manufakturers give's fore their products warianty ? I haven't buy anything so i don't know that. I supose that if 3 DVD players have broken cost of sending is higher than value of them but i don't know that exacly.
5. How much will i have to pay for insurance ? How many % of value ?
6. Is import very risky ? What can happened ?
I'm from Poland if that's important.