i'm celebrating the 26th anniversary of my 16th birthday
dj, wouldn't that make you 26x16=416?
Getting older there, Tyrius. I remember when you were turning 14..
take yer pick - I'm the one in my pic
Yup i joined whn i was 13 i think. The day or the day before school started =]
I am 23.
Hating and loving every second of it.
my mental age is about 4 and a quarter.
Some say we are as old as we feel; today I feel likeĀ
let's say 35
Well thank you everyone for you informative(?) input, I think, I am just going to assume everyone is the same age, and that age will be, ummm.... hmmm... um..... 605.5433333 years old, sound good to everyone????
I was 10 on my 10th birthday if that helps
I think we're being a little more stonewalling than usual, as some of us have answered this question, oh, a bunch of times. And there is another thing going on, that is that the forum has a kind of beauty in that people from different places and experiences can talk without preconceived notions, and this turns out to be interesting and good, valuable.
People don't always take you for a dumb kid here or a totally out of it adult. Some of the kids here are proto-smart and some of us elders are flibbetygibbits. And some people who have trouble expressing themselves have a certain savvy and some who are sharp talkers are not always right. Well, no one is always right.
Me, I'm 63 and a woman. Bet you thought, if you noticed my avatar and screenname at all, that I'm a guy. And to some extent, that ambiguity works to give people some room.
i must say osso i love your tag line... its great.
littlek wrote:dj, wouldn't that make you 26x16=416?
hmm, that's not the way it was explained to me, phil sheridan , a music journalist wrote an article about turning 40, and in the article, he claimed to not feel 40, in fact he felt that very little in his life had changed from the time he was 16, so he decided that instead of 40 he was celebrating the 24th anniversary of his 16th birthday
you know what, screw it i'm 42
lol i feel ya djjd... i mean im not 42... but im feeling ya