Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:44 am
I wish I could post a link, but since it's a commercial site I can't. I came across a program that teaches how to use currency exchange to make money.
Here's a snippet" of their ad:
Currencies houses all over the world are trading one currency for another and one E-currency for another. For this process to happen, the major trading houses need capital to create liquidity in the markets.
This is where you come in. By essentially lending your money to the pool of available funds you are paid an upfront fee when your money enters the pool and a fee when the funds come back (usually within 24 hours).
As a Currency Merchant you are doing this on a much bigger, global scale.
For example;
By pushing $100 from Int-gold into the pool (float) you receive a fee of about $4. This process takes about 30 seconds to complete. Now, $4 may not sound like a lot, but that's $120 a month from $100 ($220 total) for something that takes about 30 seconds a day.
Can you invest more? Of course, but the system does have limits so people that are new can't dump $20,000 in the system and go nuts.
This process is very easy and is almost automatic. You do not have to find people to do the trades with. The system does that for you.
Are there any traders, bankers, or financially savy members here that can explain how this might work or if it is more risky than they claim?
Its too good to be true. I feel that this is just a scam I hope you did not put any money on it.
squinney stay away from that stuff -any time your some is somewhere else other that your hands it's being used to earn them more money than you