Tom, Dick and Henry went hunting in a forest. They were hungry, and suddenly they found there were three loafs of bread on a stone.
Tom proposed, "Let's have one each".
Dick and Henry said in a voice, "I want one and a half".
They voted. Dick and Henry got what they wanted, and Tom was very hungry.
This is mob democracy. Of course, there is no bread here for voting up or down. But people may vote for favorism without reasoning. With voting down, they try to constitute the majority and conduct psychological manipulation via isolating certain persons. I consider this is psychological group bully or violence.
I'm not going to vote up or down for anyone from now on, but debate or state my opinions directly, and just ignore people who gibber nonsense, who argue with favourism instead of sound logic and reasoning, who deceit themselves with porkie pies, who discuss in a disrespectful manner.