Re: I Am Becoming A Misanthrope
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Portal Star wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Not on's just happening....

Hey, I know I am going to get in trouble for saying this, and you are going to think I'm an ****... And I probably am for saying it...
But you seriously need to update your wardrobe. I don't care if you're ultra-horny, do a lot of drugs, and work in an 80's cover band, that's just wrong. Please tell me the photos of you are of someone else or really, really, old.
Portal, I am WELL paid for reproducing that eighties big hair spandex look and sound, and I pull it off flawlessly..that's WHY I'm well compensated for it...and my concern for your or anyone elses' opinion on it is valued by the amount of money you're willing to give for it...period. I have to add I find it difficult to believe that even someone from Texas would be dumb enough to think that's my everyday wardrobe although obviously anything is possible.
Now let's address the sarcastic horny remark. I assure you I've had, until I met squinney of course, more quality pussy than most people have jerked off to on the internet, so calm down youngster.....
A. Yes, I am female
B. I don't give a damn how many cats you have had intercourse with
C. I'm glad you don't dress like that everyday. Because
that would make you a misanthrope. Being in an 80's cover band is cool. Living in an 80's cover band... not so cool.
D. I am probably one of the least free-spirited, least rebellious artists you will ever meet. I care too much about my physical and emotional health to go cavorting around like most of my artistic counterparts. That **** makes you crazy.