After makin' just a quick one to a recent chat with gudol'fella Krump. I've enco0untered another Glitch--actually not a glitch but an effort on the p[art of those poor little old ladies to correct an old one; when I comment, most sincerest apolos...but all them old gals sitin' 'round that big, round white table, laughin' their heads off 'cause last night they changed things so now you can't edit atall ....
So Mgmt, if yoh're listenin', really 'preciate all your efforts on or behalf !! Yo have a fine Chat-Room Site, I've loved it for some 18 yrs [now 12 ?] but if you really wanna slow things down, why not prevent any sort of response atall, no answers anytime to ny OP. See how easy !!
Oh by the way, guys/gals--- 'p[art' is a missp of 'part,' which means 'a li'l of.' I know you can't touch type, but it's 'cause the "[" 's so close to the 'p.' 'Course jusd'sorta kiddin'. Y' still let me edit once or twice, and I'm grateful !!
And oh, again, 18 yearxs now, and you still haven't addressed 'isd.' I know how diffi this isd all t'ya, but do contact me,
[email protected]
'n' 'ny,' missp of 'any,' with 'a' missin'. Like I said, call me