@Robert Gentel,
Quote:I am describing effect which is often distinct from intent but both still need to be considered. If you object to discussions exclusively about women you probably don’t have the intent to not allow them to have a discussion but this is the effect. After all if if the mere existence of a women-only discussion is objectionable then when can that conversation happen?
This doesn't make any sense to me. If you have a public discussion in a public space, the public will respond. That is kind of the point of a public discussion. If you limit the scope of the responses to only the responses that you want to hear, it is no longer a discussion.
A discussion, by its definition, implies that different voices are heard. If you want to define this as a "woman-only" discussion... you are going to have trouble setting the rules. Does this mean that certain viewpoints can not be discussed?
Quote:The “will men take responsibility” conversation was deflected to instead talk about abuse of men. The intent might not be to shut that conversation down but that is the effect. There is literally no conversation on the site about what responsibility men have and the whole conversation keeps getting pulled back to a discussion about abuse of men. That is an important topic too and there is room for different conversations. If you started a topic that focused just on men and their abuse and someone came along and berated the participants for “excluding” women then I’d say the same thing to them. The illusory notion of fairness that “inclusiveness” in a conversation simplistically provides ignores fairness about whether exclusive conversations can be allowed their place as well.
I think you are mis-characterizing what happened on the other thread. It doesn't sound like this is a productive discussion... but I offer to explain this better if you want me to (I suspect you don't).
What I think you are getting wrong is
the nature of a conversation. A public conversation allows for more than one viewpoint and more than one set of experiences. I was drawn into that thread by a comment that Contrex made. I made my comment and things escalated. I do not take responsibility for the mess that thread became. And, I don't idea that conversation be limited to a certain viewpoint and a narrow group of people with a shared world view. Again, you can create exclusive threads if you want.
MeToo (both as an Able2know thread and a public meme) is a very public message. If it is to be a conversation, then people with different viewpoints and experiences will comment. This also applies to Black Lives Matter or any other public conversation whether I support the topic or not.
Quote:That it is ok to have an exclusive conversation and criticism of those conversations for not being inclusive can have the effect of making it difficult for them to happen?
I don't think I agree with this. Practically the idea of an "exclusive conversation" turns into ideological bubbles, where people who almost completely agree with each other sit in segregated communities supporting their own biases that can't be questioned. There is a core group on Able2know that tries to have many of these exclusive conversations... this thread is not unique. They themselves (since their beliefs are so similar) can go into tangents and no one complains.
The "exclusive conversations" are based more on social clique than on topic. Izzy's tangent into government censorship on Edgar's thread proves my point.
I do believe that had my one comment to Contrex near the beginning of the thread had either been ignored, or politely ignored, the thread would not have turned into the mess it did. What happened was a quick escalation to vulgar insults. Of course there is no way to test my belief.
There are platforms where exclusive conversations can happen. Facebook filters your feed for you based on what it knows won't offend you. Twitter tries not to offend anyone (and fails). Many forums allow the thread owner to delete responses. Able2know does not.
I think this is strength of Able2know. Yes, it leads to some messy interactions, but these are interactions that can't happen in other forums. This is one place where the ideological bubbles can be crossed. That, to me, is a good thing.