Here Sugar, you can borrow my emoticon:
The internet reminds of an educational cartoon on the Disney Show I vaguely recall watching when I was a kid. The topic was nuclear energy, and the tone was: "It can be a force for good, and it can be a force for evil. It's up to man to decide..."
Or something like that. Of course, back then they didn't know just how evil it could be, but that's beside the point...Now where was I?
Oh, yeah, the internet...A wonderful tool if you know how to handle it, but a mess if you don't. It can do everything from opening the doors to world knowledge to luring an innocent person into danger.
Having said all that, for me it's been pretty good. Useful, too, at times...
The Internet has been all good for me. It's there when I need it, and doesn't force itself on me or make more demand on my time than it returns in benefit. It provides a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips, a new range of communication and acquaintences, entertainment and almost endless possibilities for future innovation. It has improved my career and changed my life. The only downside is that my cable bill went up to support my connection, but my salary went up by a lot more, so it's all good
I just sent a job application via the internet. So much better than printing, making 3 copies, going to the PO & buying stamps & envelopes, then wondering if it wilreach the destination in time!
Hello, rosborne, & welcome to A2K! :
Nice to meet you.
Thank you MSolga, and MapleLeaf. Nice to be here
I've been on abuzz for a while, but I think I'll try this forum for a while as well, and see how they compare.
rosborne, welcome! and thanks for reminding me that i got my new job as a result of the internet. i wasn't looking for a job, was only somewhat annoyed where i was. a headhunter called - i told her to email me at home - she sent me an amazing posting! i put a new resume together that night - emailed it to her around midnight - she emailed it to the employer the next morning - i had an interview the following day and an offer the next day - all without ever getting that resume printed up! you're right - slightly increased costs, but a much improved salary thanks to the internet.
ehBeth, yes, you have reminded me of the tools of business as well as the opportunities.... I manage a group of network engineers and systems administrators spread throughout the US. We use a combination of Email, IM, web hosting, and old fashioned telephone (the least important of the bunch) to keep the group cohesive and focused. I'm not sure my job would even be possible without those tools.
Welcome aboard rosborne, I think you'll find it quite nice here and will spend less time at Abuzz! I nice up to date business you got going there!
I have found that since the advent of the internet I am receiving more SPAM. Before the internet I didn't get as much SPAM.