Letty wrote:Unfortunately, I no longer live in a world of books as I once did.
Yes, I know just what you mean. As an English major who was also interested in reading current fiction, I would spend vast chunks of the day reading and reading and reading. Required reading, recreational reading -- SO glad I was an English major, even if my degree is fairly useless, employment-wise.
I've had to adjust since having a kid from my preferred method of reading a book, which is sit down, open book, start reading, take occasional stumbling-while-reading breaks for food et al, finish reading, close book, sleep. This is by far my favorite method for reading books, unless they are prohibitively long. (I spent a very happy week reading "A Suitable Boy" and not doing much else.) This is of course impossible these days, and my appreciation of books really suffers. I lose threads, miss allusions, forget lesser characters' names, even.

I expect I'll have to go through a short-story spot until the sozlet's older, with occasional forays into books I can't resist. (To the library for "Middlesex" today!)
Oh and dlowan I know just exactly precisely what you mean about spending enough emotional time in other people's turmoil that seeking out such "escape" is not particularly attractive.