Fri 22 Sep, 2017 08:06 pm
THIS WILL ONLY TAKE 2 MIN to read and Ill try and keep it short. She snooped my iPad for the first time. i have nothing to hide however she found a text between my best friend and i. he sent a bikini Instagram picture of a girl he started talking to. i didn't want to send one of my gf because i didnt think it was right so i got random picture from alexis ren and sent that to be funny. i said i checked his new girl instagram and said she was a 10 and that we only **** 10s referring to my GF being a 10 also. typical best friend guy talk not meant for a gf to see then i asked if his new girl was going to be at this show. he said "yes along with a lot of other pussy"... I was with my mom and other family friends at this show... meaning i wasn't being an idiot trying to cheat on my gf as i never have and never would cheat on her...i texted her all night and sent her videos of the show. now that she read these like 6 messages of foul best friend talk she wants to break up with me...? i understand what i said was uncalled for but it was my best friend not like i was texting a load of random chicks. she has a right to be angry at me but i just think she is overreacting a bit when there are FAR worse things guys do to their gf...