The records in Genesis is not true

Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 07:44 pm
I think the records in Genesis is alomost completely unture, Let's take the example of Joseph.
When he met with his 10 brothers at the first time and 11 brothers at the second time, why he could know his brothers easily and none of his brothers knows him?
When he told the meaning of dreams to Pharaoh, that mean he was close to God, then it's reasonable for Pharaoh to give a position as priest, why the Pharaoh gave him an executive position? He is a foreigner and a stranger, how could Pharaoh give him a so high position only under Pharaoh? Rice is the life of people, and Joseph had no experience in government, how could Pharaoh put the duty on him to manager the rice of the whole country?
According to the above analysis, I belive this record is unture, and I think other records are untrue also.
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Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 09:33 pm
I agree. Are you a Christian, or have you been raised as a Christian ? It's good that you question these things with reason and logic.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 06:38 pm
I'm a christian in Catholic church, and you?
I think Abraham believed in God and many gods the same as other people in his time including Pharaoh, do you agree? I don't see any conflict happened in that time, everyone has the same religion belief.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 07:01 pm
I am not sure what the point is.

The Bible is mythology, and it is no different than any other mythological work. I don't know why you look at Joseph. In Genesis 1 the universe is created in 6 days and the Earth is created before the stars. It is no different than any other mythology. The Greeks had the Sun being driven around in a chariot. Some indigenous tribes said the Earth was carried around on the back of a giant turtle.

The purpose of these religious stories are to transmit cultural truths, not to be guides to science.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 07:45 pm
I have the same view with you that the Bible is mythology. Unfortunetely most of believers in China believe the Bible is true history, I don't know how the situation is in your coutry.
Most of believers think Abraham is the father of confidence for the reason that he sacrificed his son to God, in fact it's stupid, which is from him not from God, God did not command him to do this terrible thing.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 08:40 pm
If the Bible is totally mythology, how can we say the promise that God gave to abraham is true? And how can we say Isreal is the chosen nationality? It's a difficulty.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 08:50 pm
Every culture is based on mytholigy. China has a stste mythology, a set of beliefs that give people an idea of what it means to be Chinese. The United States has a different state mythology that tells us what it means to be American.

Mythology is part of human nature. It is at the core of every society.
Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 09:01 pm
Then how can we say christian religeon is true and other religion is false? How can we say christian religion is the only religion told by God? How can we say Bible is God's words? Can we say other religion's books are God's words also?
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 10:15 pm
I was raised as a Roman Catholic. I was taught the same as you. When I got to be a teenager I started thinking for myself and questioning my religious upbringing. I learned about science and logic and eventually rejected all religion. It was hard to do and hurt my parents very much. It took many years to overcome the guilt of rejecting religion. But I don't regret it. I am better for realizing the truth and seeing the world more clearly.
Many millions of people in the US believe that the Bible is the literal truth. Religious organizations work tirelessly to stifle education in science and the scientific method. They push their bullshit at their congregations and especially at children.
The Christian religions all come from a Jewish background. The ancient Jews (naturally) believed they were chosen by God (their God). Christianity is a modification of Judaism. As it spread beyond the Middle East, it had to include non- Jews. But they couldn't rewrite the ancient books, so continued to teach that the Jews were the chosen people. The Christians say that they are the spiritual descendants of the Jews, so that they can be part of God's chosen people. They justify their bullshit any way they can.
In ancient times there were as many gods as there were tribes. The strongest tribes overcame the weaker and those gods prevailed. For some reason the Jewish religion became the dominant one and then the Christian offshoot became the dominant religion after that.
Being Chinese, aren't you curious about the ancient religions of China?
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2017 06:15 am
lukezhang wrote:

I think the records in Genesis is alomost completely unture, Let's take the example of Phil

ABSOLUTE Bullshite!
We are living in a Land of Confusion!

And yes!

She does have an Invisible Touch!

Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2017 05:56 pm
I'm so happy I can meet a believer as you here, you almost have the same views as me. I think religion was developing and is developing, and we shall believe it is in the lead of Holy Spirit. But there are many problems for you and me, if the bible is completely mythology, if the commands that Moses got from God is untrue, if Moses didn't meet God in Mount Sinai, if the two tablets of testimony is not from God, Why shall we read the Bible everyday? What can we get from the Bible? Why shall we go to church to listen to father's teaching of Bible?
Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2017 06:11 pm
Being Chinese, aren't you curious about the ancient religions of China?
In ancient China, there were many mythologies and belief of GOD or HEAVEN, but it seems all of these did not develop to a religion.
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Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2017 06:19 pm
Can you tell me how to quote someone's words as you did? I don't know how to do it.
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 06:15 am
lukezhang wrote:

Can you tell me how to quote someone's words as you did? I don't know how to do it.

You'll see something like this setup to write your post in.

Alternatively, you can manually write in the following:
[quote=P. T. Barnum]
On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.[/quote]

Which will come out like this when posted:
P. T. Barnum wrote:

On the internet, no one knows you're a dog.

Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 08:38 am
Most of believers think Abraham is the father of confidence for the reason that he sacrificed his son to God, in fact it's stupid, which is from him not from God, God did not command him to do this terrible thing.

You say you are a Catholic Christian, and yet you find this story about Abraham to be beyond belief. You say God would never do such a thing.

And yet you joyfully (I assume) accept that God sacrificed his own Son.
By taking these two positions, you imply that the man is a higher thing than Christ himself. How is that consistent with being 'Christian'?
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 05:40 pm
The problem is I don't say "QUOTE" button on the page, I don't know why.
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Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 06:10 pm
These two positions are different.
1. God didn't disobey Jesus' will, but Abraham disobeyed Issac's will.
2.God didn't hurt Jesus mentally, but Issac was hurt mentally. When his father took the knife highly in the sky and want to kill him, he must be terrified and think the world is completely terrible, the harm in his heart was permenant.
3. This story shew an original religion in Cannan, which sacrifice human beings to God. In our days, if we hear a voice to command us to sacrifice human beings, we are sure it comes from Satan but not God, because we don't have the custom to sacrifice human beings. When Abraham heard a voice to sacrifice his son, he didn't doubt and did it immediately, that fact prove there was a custom to sacrifice human beings. In my view, this story just told us the custom in Cannan and it's not a truth.
I think Religion was devoloping step by step, it was Multy-gods religion in Genesis, one-god religion in Moses time or even later, and Chritianality in New testament time.
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 06:13 pm
Are you a catholic or a protestant?

Pastoral Bible published by Roman Catholic Church admit this story is not truth, and many story in Bible are not truth.
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 06:20 pm
Heck yeah they're different. Like Isaac is not really harmed and Jesus was killed.

No mental pain in Jesus' case? Somehow when I read the words "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me", I sense a world of pain.

They were completely different in most every other way too. The Isaac incident was to reveal something personal between God and Abraham. In Jesus' case, it had to do with everyone.
Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 06:22 pm
Are you a catholic or a protestant?

Neither. I'm a theist. I can blame no one but myself for my beliefs.
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