Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2017 12:04 pm
Mgmt I thout, 'Well, guess that's th' endovit,' but after I had kidded ya, imaginin' y'all as '..a buncha lil' old ladies sittin' round a big table...' you had banished me for only a couple hours ! so I guess in a way a2k is still one of the most lib Chat Rooms on the Web [havin' been kicked off a dozen others 'fore joinin' a2k]. Tho I'm still tryin' to figger out how so many of my entertainin' and humorous [to me] OP's, formerly, got deleted forever

But if you're listenin', and wouldn't blame ya if you don't, I have a q fr you: Would it be okay if I fwded my Letter to the Ed.'s of our fine, plaudited Victorville Daily Press, if I weren't sure you coud also use it

If not, I 'stand 'cause folk get just too many of my Emails. However, if 'tis then, thanks a zillion 'cause it 'voids keystrokes

Oh by the way, Glitch # 4,852: Just a coupa days ago apparently, when I fetch a 'Search,' none of the listin's is dated anymore

Dale Hileman
Apple Valley

[Forgiive me Gals [Fellas ?], just pullin' ur leg by makin't look like a Let to the Ed's]
Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2017 12:45 pm
a2k room...

No, Dale. This site is not a chat room. Although there is indeed a chat section, the main site itself is a web forum. An internet discussion board. The posts become enshrined in the archives for a lengthy stretch. In a chat room, postings are made and then disappear (unless you did a screen-cap).

...banished me for a couple (of) hours...

No, Dale. That is not banning, it's a brief suspension. Think if it as being sent to a time-out corner to reflect upon what you did wrong. (and no beer, wine or sangria will be allowed while there)

...gobbledygook gobbledygook...

A large portion of your thread makes little to no sense. By the way, that could be a reason for many of your topic threads vanishing.

As always, try to pull it together. It will be worth it, if not just for the sake of your local town but for your own peace of mind (and mine too!).

Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2017 01:42 pm
the main site itself is a web forum
Tanks 'gain Stur, ur sucha fine fella. Not ev'day.....

I went to record that on a handy tab, so I'd 'mem,' but couldn't find one.... so my apolos. I will

That is not banning, it's a brief suspension
'Course Urg ! If y' look back, I reported how 'priz'd I was when thot I'd been banished forever and it turned out to be only a coupla hrs !!!

reflect upon what you did wrong.
Yea Stu, I' sucha bad fella

no beer, wine or sangria

your thread makes little to no sense
Yes I know, li'l' or no... So 'naybody else c'fused, my 'polos, and if you 't'c't me, [email protected], I'd be most happy to 'splain near anythin'

Yeh I know, that's a toughie, it's short for 'contact'

for the sake of your local town
Not so sure 'bout that, 'Gis: Our local Daily Press has printed some several hundred of 'em, available to some 100,000 potential readers, wit' all 'em abbrs and " ' " 's too. Mebbe it's a good thin' nobody reads 'em

...and mebbe why a2k Mgmt delete 'em wholesale. Up 'til now it's been a mystery...

Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
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