Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the confusion, she is my fiancee. We've been together 7 years and Calling her my wife has become normal and comfortable. We would like to have been married before but some injuries and crisis really got in the way.
What went wrong for her before was the all to common scenario. She was pressured into it by past boyfriend's and neither one knew how to do it carefully, properly, or pleasurably. I have experience with this before yet as stated before and I never wanted to rush or pressure anything.
When we first got together she offered it to me but wanted no foreplay or warming up. So once again it just went rushed and I was the only who was comfortable but never knew that. Her offering it to me and wanting no warm up made me believe she obviously knew what she wanted and was cool with it. Call me crazy. Everything still seemed great afterwards but it was suddenly something that she didn't want to talk about, try, or consider so I dropped it and repressed my desires.
Ignoring what I really want has turned into such an intense and frustrating desire now, more so than it's ever been. Also because in my experience this was actually quite an intimate thing between two people given the level of trust and comfort needed. It's made me insecure because she's done this multiple times with other ppl and myself but it just became this thing that she says she doesn't understand, thinks is kinda gross, and isn't ready for.. confusion given our previous experience in this..
My relationship before her was very sexual and anal play was absolutely regular and preferred. I loved it! It's just part of my sexuality.. I like boobs, I like vagina, I refuse to think I'm strange for liking her butt and butthole too. Why wouldn't I? It's just as attractive to me as anything else.
There's nothing risky, strange, abnormal, or edgy that we do in sex and it's basically just love making all the time and taken a little off putting that as a man, I need more than that. The balance seems to he off but more favored to yet side. By that I mean, emotionally nourished , and off balance on my side where I'm meet with sexually satisfied. I believe in compromise and being open and non judgmental of these things.
Recently she let me play with her anus briefly during oral and she orgasmed nicely but bow it's back to being strange and she's not ready. I mentioned getting a counselor to help me get over this and she says no she doesn't want me to have something taken from me that I really want. But that she's also just not ready to enjoy it yet. I feel like I'm being messed with and not taken seriously. I'm just on standby and I have been made to believe it's something wrong with me when in reality she's the only woman who's ever done this with me.
I wanted to know how to get over this desire because she has a right to not like something but it's not being made clear that this is a yes or no thing to explore. Just sort of pushed aside every time when I'm actually expressing something that to me, is a big deal for me to feel satisfied. I feel like I don't know how to find the solution which has brought me here.
I'm open to being in the wrong to have this attraction and desire. I just wanted to know really if it's fair to say that a strong sexual desire discrepancy or the way she is handling me on this, is making me less able to feel the love between that otherwise is very strong. I just feel repressed and honestly ignored but this topic is a difficult one to get good advice on. Thanks again