Fri 4 Aug, 2017 03:52 am
Some media coverage suggest that 100% pure maple syrup helps to fight Alzheimer's and reduces chronic inflammation.
That's from a Canadian study from over a year ago, and it doesn't seem to have had any (reported) follow up, just a lot of sketchy 'news' sites hyping it.
Nothing in WebMD. Nothing at the Mayo Clinic site.
'Sweet' interview with the lab director.
A couple of friends are involved with (or are part of) the support/assessment team in that region.
Good people.
Awesome - I love 100% pure maple syrup. I guess I will just have to drink more of it then.
Also gives a whole greater meaning to being a tree hugger.
I had a piece of nine grain and seed toast with some dribbles of olive oil and some dribbles of good maple syrup for breakfast. Delicious. I'm pretty avoidant of sweets most of the time, but a gurl needs her maple syrup on occasion.
I'll add that I can make a small bottle (even that is expensive to me but I see the reasons) last a year in the fridge. That probably makes it more special to me.
Re alzheimers, it runs in my family, as I've said before here on a2k, but so far so good. By the time they concoct some way to use the characteristic particular ingredients of maple syrup and test the bygolly out of them, it'll be too late for some of us - but I hope it ends up working to help people.
The best thing about these amazing preventatives is that you never know if they worked.
So I looked up maple syrup to see and I was happy to see there are many health benefits:
The nutrients found in maple syrup include energy, water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and sugars. In terms of minerals, it contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus sodium, potassium, and zinc. Vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and B6 are also found in maple syrup.