Apple pie, the store kind, just testing of course. (It failed, but was ok.)
I suddenly got into moving things from room to room.
Staring at chaos as I type...
Awwww... Sorry! Sometimes I just can't keep my mouth shut.
kickycan wrote:They are little balls of fresh mozzarella. About as big as a cherry. I love 'em!
Those are the best. Have you tried them wrapped around a piece of canadian bacon or prosciutto (I'm sure there's gotta be a name to this dish too!!)?
Or wrap a basil leaf around...
Venison on Sourdough.......YUMM
Left over scalloped potatoes with leftover garlic herbed turkey breast - tossed into a pot with a can of green peas - and reheated all in one wonderful mess. I'm amazed how good it tastes.
Kinda like Turkey Pot
never had turkey pot pie, but if it tastes like this, i should make some
Close to that......just add some crust on the top or
Two cold brewski's and some peanut butter on toast. Ahhh, what a feast!
Turkey pot pie is wonderful.
Makemeshiver, I'll bet being from the south you are a darn good cook. Everyone I have ever known from the south just automatically knows how to cook it seems. Almost like osmosis as they were growing up.
We don't all know how to cook, but we DO know good food, Lady J!
I seem to remember Makesmeshiver used to work in (or with?) a cafe devising menus...
Still do Osso...Ty, for remembering. Except now, I'm the chief cook, bottle washer, hostess with the mostess, bus girl..ha, and everything else there is thats needed.
As much as I love to cook, I sometimes don't like food. LOL
And thank you Lady J.........I was raised up in my mothers kitchen.....seems when I cook, I usually draw crowds at times......
Today, I'm Grillin' Ham, Baked Potatoes.....Salad and French Bread.
I've got some pork chops to grill.
The salad will look like a caesar but have poppyseed dressing.
Green beans.
Trying to decide if I want to heat up the garlic bread I've got, or if I wanna do something with the potatoes I boiled this afternoon.
Cranberry jelly with everything. I'm in a real cranberry jelly lovin' mood these days.
I love cranberry jelly too.
Earlier we had tuna casserole with a tossed salad.
Don't tell anybody, but I could probably eat cranberry jelly on toast.
makemeshiver33 wrote:Still do Osso...Ty, for remembering. Except now, I'm the chief cook, bottle washer, hostess with the mostess, bus girl..ha, and everything else there is thats needed.
As much as I love to cook, I sometimes don't like food. LOL
And thank you Lady J.........I was raised up in my mothers kitchen.....seems when I cook, I usually draw crowds at times......
That does not surprise me at all.

My former mother in law was from the south and my own mom and grandparents from the midwest. I learned to cook and learned to cook well....not like cav mind you, but just good old down home fare. Biggest problem I have at the moment is, I have no one to cook for and I hate to eat alone. I'm hoping that will change when I move to Oklahoma and have a "core" family again. Even that has been postponed for awhile though now.
Drats...I'm coming to your house, makemeshiver!