Mon 29 Nov, 2004 04:36 pm
This may belong in the Computers forum I'm not sure.
A snippet from a piece I wrote ended up on the front page of a popular website and I would like to "take a picture" of it and save to my PC. I am hoping someone can share how to do this with me as I am not that PC savvy. I'm not a professional writer so I was flattered when I saw it and would like to keep it for a memento. Thank you in advance.
Get the screen image you want to save up on the screen. Then hold down the "CTRL" key and press the "PrtScrn" key. THat will copy the screen image into the system clipboard.
You should be able to open most any image management software and "paste" the image into a blank page there and save it in GIF, JPG or BMP format. You can even paste it into Word or PowerPoint if you don't have anything else..
Thank you fishin' for the instructions. I was able to save it to Microsoft Picture It! as a JPG and also saved it to a Word document. Now all I need to do is to fiddle with it to get the proper size to make it more readable. Thanks again for helping me out!