13 Reasons to visit a doctor/nurse for.
1. Stomach ache
2. Runny nose
3. Heart palpitations
4. Slip in the shower then breaking the embedded porcelain soap dish with ones noggin.
5. Slipped on the ice and got skiers thumb while breaking your fall!
6. To get the Covid booster jab... (Have you had your booster yet? Go today!)*
7. To get the Flu Jab.. (mine is on the 7th October)*
8. Pneumonia (last summer, saw doctor in hospital)
9. Need 4 vertebrae fused and 2 other vertebrae disc replaced. Oh, broken back!
10. Developed Sepsis - Dreadful that was, at least thankfully cured of it.
11. Annual eye checkup.
12. To birth a baby, many visits (not me, of course, that would be a major story in and of itself).
13. Annual medical check-up for insurance
*Hopefully I'll get both jabs in the next few weeks. Maybe also the dreaded shingles jab as well.
New topic - 13 types of sport