boomerang wrote:I'm not that familiar with true crime books but I do remember a true crime stroy from a few years back where a young girl saw her father murder her friend. There was something about a ring that got her remembering again and she turned her father in. He was tried and went to prison. Sorry I can't really remember any of the names or details.
This sounds like the first story from Lenore Terr's 'Unchained Memories'; you can read it on
I know there was a book written about the Oregon/Southwest Washington guy who kidnapped a girl and kept her in his basement with his wife's consent. The man convinced them that she had been sold to him. After many years they allowed her to go out and get a job and she returned every night to live in a cubby under the man and wife's waterbed.
Ugh! That's why I don't read that stuff...
There were also those nuts up in Canada where the boyfriend killed (and video taped the murder) of his girlfriend's little sister while the girl friend watched.
That was the 'Homolka case'. That one was extremely creepy. I think they were just caught by police (???) There are people who actually think the 'public' has a right to have access to the videos (there were several victims). (!)
Yup, these things make me ill.
I'd lilke to read all of Terr's book, but I'm not sure I can stomach it. On the other hand, I really want to know more about how people deal with trauma.
Thanks for your reply, boomerang.