Dag, do you know Ul? She posts on a2k rarely, but is a really sharp person who lives in Vienna. She is particularly swift on internet research, rather like Walter in that. (Not to force friendships, just wondering.)
My business partner's husband was born in Vienna, and lived well for his first nine years. He was the young "prince" in a family that moved the grand piano to the summer house....
Anyway, after they left everything, he spent the early forties in Amsterdam in a tech kind of school. His father died, which turned out to be an unfortunate thing with fortunate timing, as his mother was Catholic, and so he didn't have to hide in an attic.
He moved to the US in the early fifties, and fell in love with jazz and Los Angeles, visiting both Vienna and Amsterdam several times since. They last visited about two years ago now, and I vicariously went with them, since that is how I do most of my travel.
I have been bemused about his ability to revisit Vienna; not wondering, exactly, but interested that he, while bitter about much, has capsulized Vienna in charm, has made memory and charm win.
What am I getting at, people will the good parts to blossom, despite the obvious stampings of history.